
Our First Gardening Class Was a Success!

In August, PCDC was awarded AARP’s Community Challenge grant to build a better community in Chinatown. As part of this grant, PCDC and AARP are proud to present our Gardening…
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September Saturday Art Classes with PCDC and AARP

Every Saturday in September 2017, artists aged 4 to 80 stopped by 901 Wood Street to enjoy free community art classes sponsored by PCDC and AARP under the “Go, Go,…
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TreePhilly Community Tree Giveaway

Through the support of TreePhilly, PCDC will be giving away a variety of different trees to the Philadelphia community on Saturday, October 28th for free. Each planting address may receive…
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October Teen Events and Opportunities:

Announcements: * Weekly College Application workshop – Bring your essays and application questions. Tuesdays 4:00 – 6:00 PM at 901 Wood St * This month’s free practice SAT will be on…
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Chinatown Corner: Observations

PCDC periodically receives observations and comments about the community. In the past we have posted letters written to us in our newsletter. Comments may include suggestions on how to improve…
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Don’t Delay: Get your Free Flu Shot this Fall

Flu season is between October and May. The highest incidence of influenza is in between December and February. People who have the flu often feel some or all of the…
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Sarah Yeung Appointed to Police Advisory Commission

On August 25, 2017, PCDC’s Director of Planning and Senior Project Manager, Sarah Yeung, was appointed to the City of Philadelphia Police Advisory Commission. The new Commission’s first meeting will…
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Dynasty Court Owners to Sell Property for Redevelopment

The owners of Dynasty Court, the affordable rental development in the heart of Chinatown, have confirmed to PCDC that they intend to sell the property. They have said a condition…
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