Family Support Services

Helping immigrant families access better housing, healthcare, and wellness


Many families struggle with prolonged unemployment/underemployment and depleted  but they do not know how to access public services or face cultural and language barriers. PCDC’s Family Support Services helps low-income families to meet basic needs  such as food and shelter in order to get on the path to financial stability.

(许多家庭长期失业/就业不足,生活拮据,但他们不知道如何获得公共服务,或面临文化和语言障碍。PCDC 的家庭支持服务帮助低收入家庭满足食物和住所等基本需求,从而走上经济稳定的道路)

PCDC is your one-stop-shop for resources, provides free family support service for low to moderate income families with the assistance  to navigate and access resources and assistance programs, which includes housing counseling and benefit access. Our goal is to help families lower their housing cost, which save money and improve housing situation and increase sustainability. Service includes but not limited to:  Assess needs and financial situation, search for affordable rental housing, homebuying, foreclosure prevention, develop goals and budget, review credit reports, create action plan, provide resource, and assist in applying for low-income assistance programs.  

(PCDC 是您的一站式资源中心,为中低收入家庭提供免费的家庭支持服务,帮助他们浏览和获取资源和援助计划,其中包括住房咨询和福利获取。我们的目标是帮助家庭降低住房成本,节省开支,改善住房条件,提高可持续性。服务内容包括但不限于 评估需求和财务状况、寻找负担得起的租房、购房、防止止赎,制定目标和预算、审查信用报告、制定行动计划、提供资源并协助申请低收入援助计划。)

Services We Assist With

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)

The Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation (PCDC) offers Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) services to help individuals with their tax returns. PCDC provides free tax preparation assistance to those who generally make $64,000 or less, persons with disabilities, and limited English-speaking taxpayers1. Services are available both in-person and virtually, with specific dates and times for drop-off and pickup at their main office and the Crane Community Center1. PCDC ensures that community members have access to the necessary resources and support to file their taxes accurately and on time.

(费城华埠发展公司(PCDC)提供志愿者所得税援助(VITA)服务,帮助个人报税。費城華埠發展公司為一般收入在 64,000 美元或以下的人士、殘障人士以及英語能力有限的納稅人1 提供免費報稅協助。服务既有面对面的,也有虚拟的,并有具体的日期和时间,可在其总办事处和 Crane 社区中心1 上交和领取。PCDC 确保社区成员能够获得必要的资源和支持,从而准确、及时地报税。)


Housing Counseling

The Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation (PCDC) offers a HUD-certified housing counseling program that provides free services to low to moderate-income families. This includes one-on-one counseling and education for renters, homeowners, and homebuyers1. The program covers various topics such as budgeting, credit repair, mortgage readiness, and navigating housing resources. PCDC also helps clients understand their rights and responsibilities, avoid predatory lending, and access down payment and closing cost assistance

(费城华埠发展公司(PCDC)提供住房和城市发展部认证的住房咨询计划,为中低收入家庭提供免费服务。其中包括为租房者、房主和购房者提供一对一的咨询和教育1。该计划涵盖各种主题,如预算编制、信用修复、抵押贷款准备和住房资源导航。PCDC 还帮助客户了解他们的权利和责任,避免掠夺性贷款,以及获得首付款和过户费补助)

Benefit Access

The Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation (PCDC) offers a Benefit Access program to help community members access various public benefits and services. This program provides assistance with applications for benefits such as SNAP (food stamps), Medicaid, Medicare, LIHEAP (energy assistance), and other social services1. PCDC’s trained staff guide individuals through the application process, ensuring they understand eligibility requirements and gather the necessary documentation. The goal is to help residents maximize their benefits and improve their overall quality of life.

(費城華埠發展公司(Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation,簡稱 PCDC)提供一項福利計劃(Benefit Access Program),幫助社區成員獲得各種公共福利和服務。該計劃協助申請 SNAP(食品券)、Medicaid、Medicare、LIHEAP(能源補助)等福利以及其他社會服務1。PCDC 训练有素的工作人员会指导个人完成申请过程,确保他们了解资格要求并收集必要的文件。我们的目标是帮助居民最大限度地获得福利,提高他们的整体生活质量。)
