Our First Gardening Class Was a Success!

In August, PCDC was awarded AARP’s Community Challenge grant to build a better community in Chinatown. As part of this grant, PCDC and AARP are proud to present our Gardening Club. The club is part of PCDC’s “Go Go Go” program, which will encourage residents to get out of their homes and spend time outdoors participating in a pop-up art program. September 14th was our first class and it was exciting! We built with our own hands the raised garden bed that we will be using to grow our plants and vegetables.
Everyone pitched in with sanding down the wood blocks and assembling them. We started our planting with lettuce seeds. Cannot wait until the next class when we can plant all the other kinds of seeds we have! The classes are open to everyone, no matter if you are someone who has never gardened before. We are all learning together. This is a great chance to come out and learn something new and make new friends!
If you missed out on the first class, do not worry! We are having a series of classes. We meet every Thursday from 6:00- 7:00 PM until October 28th at 810 Arch Street (Francis House of Peace). On our last class we will partner with Tree Philly, to give out 50 trees! So come out and join the fun!
To register email Lamei Zhang at lzhang@chinatown-pcdc.org OR call(215) 922-2156