Zoning Matters
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Below are the current and upcoming zoning matters within the Chinatown district. Zoning matters are presented to the community first, through public Registered Community Organization (RCO) meetings, before they are heard by the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA). Please feel free to attend an RCO meeting at PCDC or a ZBA hearing regarding any matter of interest at One Parkway Building, 1515 Arch Street, 18th Floor. PCDC’s Planning Committee serves as Chinatown’s RCO. It meets at 6pm on the second Tuesday of each month. The RCO’s boundaries are 7th to 13th Street and Filbert to Spring Garden Street.
The next meeting is on Apr. 13th. The next three meetings are:
May 11th
June 8th
July 13th
How to join the meeting:
ZOOM link: https://zoom.us/j/93571452282
Dial-in: +1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 935 7145 2282
Upcoming Cases:
446-52 N 12TH ST, Philadelphia, PA
Appeal #: ZP-2020-008810
Proposal: FOR Change in Use: Space 448=1 apartment; Space 450-452= total 4 apartments (2 apartment on 2nd floor + 2 apartments on 3rd floor). Uses on first floor in all spaces remain the same.
Public RCO Meeting Date & Time: Apr 13, 2021, 6 PM
ZBA Hearing Date & Time: Apr 21, 2021,3:30 PM
Previous Cases:
There was no RCO case in March 2021 meeting.
你可以通過電子郵箱收到區劃事項的最新動向,只需訂閲PCDC的社區規劃資訊! 點擊這裏,然後選擇社區規劃,發展與倡导。
以下是華埠街區目前和即將審議的區劃事項。在區劃調整委員會(ZBA)審議發展項目之前,區劃事務首先通過公開的注冊社區組織(RCO)會議向社區展示。如果你對於區劃有寶貴意見,歡迎參加RCO會議或ZBA聽證會。所有ZBA聽證會都在亞區街1515號的One Parkway Building第18樓舉行。PCDC的規劃委員會作為註冊社區組織(RCO)在每個月的第二個星期二下午6點舉行。PCDC的RCO區域是第7至第13街,Filbert至Spring Garden Street。
下次會議將於 4月13日舉行。接下來的三次會議將於以下日期舉行:
ZOOM會議鏈接: https://zoom.us/j/93571452282
電話接入: +1 301 715 8592會議ID: 935 7145 2282
地址:446-52 N 12th Street, Philadelphia, PA
案件號: ZP-2020-008810