Zoning Matters

Zoning Matters

Below are the current and upcoming zoning matters within the Chinatown district. Zoning matters are presented to the community first, through public RCO meetings, before they are heard by the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA). Please feel free to attend an RCO meeting or ZBA hearing regarding any matter of interest. All ZBA hearings are held at One Parkway Building, 1515 Arch Street, 18th Floor.

PCDC’s Planning Committee meets at 6pm on the second Tuesday of each month as the Registered Community Organization (RCO) for the boundaries of 8th to 13th Street, Filbert to Spring Garden Street. The next meetings are as follows:
October 11th                    November 8th

December 13th                     January 10th

February 14th                  March 14th

  1. Address: 430 N 9th St, 432 N 9th St, 434-36 N 9th St, 438 N 9th St, 440 N 9th St, 442 N 9th St, 444 N 9th St
    Appeal #: 28604
    Permit #: 706257

Appeal Type: Zoning Variance, Use Variance
Scheduled Hearing Time: Wednesday, October 12, 2016, 2pm

Proposal: Permit to create three unit attached structures with roof decks for multi-family household living, with some design variations, from seven OPA accounts. Please see listing for details.

2. Address: 800 Race Street
Appeal #: 28684
Permit #: 707726

Appeal Type: Use Variance
Scheduled Hearing Time: Tuesday, November 8, 2016, 3pm

Proposal: Permit for the removal of all signage on the structure and for the erection of four projection signs accessory to existing use of the College of Podiatric Medicine.

  1. Address: 801 Cherry Street
    Appeal #: 28787
    Permit #: 712281

Appeal Type: Use Variance
Scheduled Hearing Time: Tuesday, November 8, 2016, 3pm

Proposal: For the erection of one double-faced, accessory, statically-illuminated, projecting sign accessory to an existing educational facility and hospital.

  1. Address: 1022 Wood Street
    Appeal #: 28249
    Permit #: 669302

Appeal Type: Use Variance
Scheduled Hearing Time: Tuesday, November 15, 2016, time not yet available

Proposal: Permit to create one lot from three deeded parcels and the complete demolition of the existing site for the erection of an attached building for use as household living for 15 families.

  1. Address: 225 N. 13th Street
    Appeal #: N/A
    Permit #: 702417
    Appeal Type: N/A
    Scheduled Hearing Time: N/A

Proposal:  Permit for legalization of an existing open air non accessory surface parking lot for 60 vehicles (valet parking only).

Previously presented cases:


Address: 222 N 11th Street
Appeal #: 27762
Permit #: 678344

Appeal Type: Zoning Variance, Use Variance
Scheduled Hearing Time: Tuesday, October 4, 2016, 9:30 AM

Proposal: Permit to create one lot from two deeded lots and a portion of former Spring Street stricken off City plan, and for the demolition of existing structure on site, for the erection of an attached structure for use as a sit-down restaurant on the first floor and for use as household dwelling for 18 families.

Decision: Support with provisos.

Address: 1201 Vine Street
Appeal #: 28202
Permit #: 688490

Appeal Type: Use Variance
Scheduled Hearing Time: Monday, October 19, 2016, 2pm
Proposal: Permit for the erection for a 99-unit apartment, 221’2” high, with a 15th floor balcony, automated valet parking garage with 40 parking spaces, and 34 bicycle spaces.

Decision: Opposition.
Address: 1225 Vine Street
Appeal #: 28665
Permit #: 702501

Appeal Type: Use Variance
Scheduled Hearing Time: Monday, October 19, 2016, 2pm
Proposal: Erection of an internally illuminated flatwall sign at the rooftop of a hotel.

Decision: Non-opposition.