Represent Your Community on November 8th

The 2016 General Election Day, November 8th, is just around corner! Voting gives the people a voice; this is especially so for minority voters. Voting draws attention to neighborhood communication with political representatives at the local, state, and federal levels, which brings solutions and resources to the community. PCDC has been able to build over 320 housing units in Chinatown and last year obtained $585,088 in Federal and State refunds and tax credits for 376 families thanks to government resources, obtained through your civic engagement.
All Pennsylvania polling stations operate from 7:00am to 8:00pm on Election Day. If you are voting for the first time, please bring proof of ID, either photo or non-photo ID (i.e. driver’s license, school ID, etc.). Returning voters need not show any ID, unless noted.
If you are a Chinatown resident and are a registered voter, vote on 11/8/2016 at:
Ward 05 Division 24: Chinese Christian Church and Center, 225 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, PA 19107 or
Ward 05 Division 25: F.A.C.T.S. Charter School, 1023 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123
If you are not a Chinatown resident, you may use to find your polling location.