What’s Going On With the Chinatown Neighborhood Plan?
In April, PCDC consultants Interface Studio conducted five small group discussions with over 30 Chinatown stakeholders. Business owners and restaurant workers, seniors, youth, service providers, and peer community organizations from other historic AAPI communities weighed in on issues important to their families, neighbors, and businesses. Bilingual interpretation in Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese dialects) and English was provided as needed.
This information helped to further add to the feedback that has been collected through the business survey, community survey, community forum, and individual interviews since December 2016.
The engagement process will lead to creation of the vision and goals of the neighborhood plan, which covers 8th to 13th Street, Filbert to Spring Garden Street. Additional opportunities to provide feedback to the draft vision and goals of the plan are coming up in June and July.
PCDC thanks all individuals who took the time and effort to participate in the focus groups or who helped provide interpretation. Any questions or feedback about this process? Contact Sarah Yeung, Director of Planning, at syeung@chinatown-pcdc.org or 215-922-2156.