<English after Chinese>
日期:星期六 2021 年 8 月 21 日
時間:上午 10 點至下午 2 點
地點:鼎華中心 (1001 萬安街, 費城)
PCDC 社區資訊展覽會活動目的
- 展示為兒童和家庭服務的各種服務提供商
- 為供應商提供與華人社區成員建立聯繫的機會
- 為社區提供資源和教育
服務參展商 · 活動 · 贈品 · 寶貴資源 · 抽獎 · 申請協助
- 與20多家參展商親自見面
- 參加活動:乒乓球、羽毛球、福利篩查、健康篩查
- 獲得福利計劃的免費申請幫助
- 免預約新冠 Covid-19 疫苗診所 (12 歲及以上)
- Asian Americans United (AAU) 亞裔聯合會
- Aurora Home Care and Hospice 奧羅娜家庭護理和臨終關懷
- Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly (CARIE) 長者權益維權中心
- Children’s Village 兒童村
- Chinatown Learning Center 華埠幼稚園
- Chinese Christian Church and Center 費城中華基督教會暨服務中心
- City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS) 費城行為健康和智力障礙服務部
- City of Philadelphia Philly Counts 費城統計
- Community College of Philadelphia 費城社區學院
- Community Legal Services of Philadelphia 費城社區法律服務
- Farmers Insurance 保險
- Free Library of Philadelphia – Workplace 費城免費圖書館 – 職場
- Hepatitis B Foundation 乙型肝炎基金會
- Indego Bike Share 共享單車
- Jefferson Health 杰斐遜健康
- PCDC Chinese Immigrant Family Wellness Initiative (CIFWI) 移民家庭情緒健康計劃
- PCDC Housing Counseling 住房諮詢
- PCDC Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC) 鄰里諮詢委員會
- PCDC Youth Program 青少年計劃
- PECO 電力公司
- Penn Asian Senior Services 賓州亞裔耆老服務
- Philadelphia Department of Labor 費城勞工部
- Philadelphia Department of Public Health 費城公共衛生部
- Philadelphia’s Police Department’s Community Relations Unit 費城警察局的社區關係部門
- Santander Bank 桑坦德銀行
- Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson 杰斐遜的 Sidney Kimmel 癌症中心
- U.S. Army 美國陸軍
- Victim/Witness Services of South Philadelphia 南費城的受害者/證人服務
- 乒乓球、羽毛球
- 兒童區 **3-5歲的兒童和父母或監護人必須在場**
- 公民和綠卡資格篩查 (由 AAU 提供)
- 體重指數、視力和血壓健康檢查 (由 Jefferson Health 提供)
- 福利計劃篩查和申請 (由 PCDC 提供)
- 免預約新冠 COVID-19 疫苗診所 (12 歲及以上) (由 SunRay 藥房提供)
福利計劃申請先到先得。PCDC 工作人員將給出號碼,以便參與者在等待時也享受活動。
*** 由於時間限制,我們只能協助1份申請。請優先考慮你希望首先完成的申請。我們可以為其他申請預約另一天。
- 長者蔬菜券 Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
- 失業補償金
- 醫療援助 Medicaid (MA)
- 糧食票 Food Stamp (SNAP)
- 托兒補貼 ELRC
- 來自 PECO、PGW 和 PWD 的水電煤氣援助計劃
- 免費手機、打折的家庭電話、免費或打折的互聯網
- 房產稅援助(宅基地免稅、長者房產稅凍結、房產稅/租金回扣等)
- 房屋維修計劃
- 費城第 4 階段租金援助
- PCDC 緊急 $500現金援助
Date:Saturday August 21st, 2021
Time:10 AM to 2 PM
Location:Crane Community Center (1001 Vine St, Philadelphia)
- Showcases various service providers that serve kids and families in the Chinese community
- Provide an opportunity for providers to connect to members of the Chinese community
- Provide resources and education to community
Exhibitors · Activities · Raffle · Giveaways · Valuable Resources · Application assistance
- Meet in person with over 20 exhibitors
- Take part in activities such as: ping pong, badminton, benefits, citizenships and health screening
- Receive FREE application assistance to benefits program
- Walk-ins Covid-19 vaccine clinic (12 & Over)
Confirmed Exibitors:
- Asian Americans United (AAU)
- Aurora Home Care and Hospice
- Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly (CARIE)
- Children’s Village
- Chinatown Learning Center
- Chinese Christian Church and Center
- City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS)
- City of Philadelphia Philly Counts
- Community College of Philadelphia
- Community Legal Services of Philadelphia
- Free Library of Philadelphia – Workplace
- Hepatitis B Foundation
- Indego Bike Share
- Jefferson Health
- PCDC Chinese Immigrant Family Wellness Initiative
- PCDC Housing Counseling
- PCDC Youth Program
- PCDC Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC)
- Penn Asian Senior Services
- Philadelphia Department of Labor
- Philadelphia Department of Public Health
- Philadelphia’s Police Department’s Community Relations Unit
- Santander Bank
- Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson
- U.S. Army
- Victim/Witness Services of South Philadelphia
Activities include:
- Ping Pong, Badminton
- Kidzone (**ages 3-5must have a parent or guardian with them at all times**)
- Citizenships and Green Card Eligibility Screening (Provided by AAU)
- BMI, Vision and Blood Pressure Screening ( Provided by Jefferson Health)
- Benefits screening and application (Provided by PCDC)
- Walk-ins Covid-19 vaccine clinic (12 & Over) (Provided by SunRay Pharmacy)
Benefit program application is first come first serve. PCDC staff will give out numbers, so participants can enjoy the event while waiting for service.
*** Due to the time constraint, we can only assist with 1 application on the application day. Please prioritize which application you would like to complete first. We can setup appointments for the other applications on another day.
Programs included but not limited to:
- Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
Unemployment Compensation Medical Assistance - Food Stamp
- Childcare Subsidy
- Utility Assistance Programs from PECO, PGW, and PWD
- Free cell phone, discounted home phone, free or discounted internet
- Property tax assistance (Homestead Exemption, Senior Property Tax freeze, Property tax/rent rebate, etc.)
- Weatherization program
- Philadelphia Phase 4 rental assistance
- PCDC emergency $500 cash assistance
To apply for benefits and assistance programs, each program might requires different documentation. You will be required to bring in the documentation in order for us to assist you. If any documentation is missing, we might or might not able to proceed. We will do our best to assist you to complete the application, but you then will be responsible to submit the missing document on your own.
For the list of documents needed, click here:https://bit.ly/PCDCDocsNeed

Please check back for updates. We hope to see you at the event!