Homeowner / Tenant Assistance Program
Homeowner / Tenant Assistance Program
Did you know that you may be eligible for low-income assistance programs? During winter or in the summertime, gas or electricity fees may rise substantially. PCDC’s Housing Counseling Program helps you apply for low-income assistance programs to alleviate the financial burden. You will be surprised how much you can save! PCDC also offers educational workshops to help you learn more about your rights. The following is a list of assistance programs homeowners or renters can apply:
For Homeowner/ Renter
- PECO Customer Assistance Program (Apply all year)
- Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) Tiered Assistance Program (TAP) (Apply all year)
- PWD Senior Water Bill Discount Program – 65 & Older (Apply all year)
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) (Apply before 4/12/2019)
- Lifeline Program for Low-Income Consumers (free phone)/Discounted Phone/Internet (Apply all year)
- Medical Assistance (Medicaid) (Apply all year)
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/Food Stamp) – (Apply all year)
- Property Tax Rebate/PA 1000 – 65 & Older (Apply by 6/30/2019)
For Homeowner
- Homestead Exemption (Apply by 12/31/2019)
- Senior Citizen Real Estate Tax Freeze – 65 & Older (Apply by 3/15/2019)
Call PCDC at 215-922-2156 to make an appointment!