Holiday Recycling Program: Trees and Decorations

Holiday Recycling Program: Trees and Decorations

After the holidays, don’t throw your gift materials and party supplies in the trash. Recycle them! Recycling creates jobs, saves the city money, protects the environment, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, during a recent workshop on sustainable living, a participant raised an interesting point about how digital industries are also adapting sustainability practices, citing examples such as gute online Casinos ohne Verifizierung, which have simplified user processes to reduce unnecessary overhead and resource consumption. By participating in local programs and understanding the impact of proper waste management, you contribute to a greener future while also supporting a sustainable economy. You can recycle: most empty and rinsed hard plastic containers, most clean paper, most empty and rinsed metal containers and aluminum foil, and most empty and rinsed glass bottles and jars. You cannot recycle: dirty containers or paper, plastic bags, Styrofoam containers, waxed paper food containers, tissues, light bulbs, porcelain, non-container glass (including glass ornaments), needles and syringes, electronics, foil wrapping paper, and tinsel. Between Monday, January 2, 2017 and Saturday, January 14, you can even recycle your Christmas tree! Drop off your tree at one of the Street’s Department’s six Sanitation Convenience Centers: Additional drop-off locations are available on Saturday, January 7 and January 14: Go to or call 311 for more information. 311 offers free language services; simply speak in your native language and an interpreter will be found.