Despite the rain and hot weather, over 220 community members attended the 9th annual PCDC EXPO on Saturday, June 17th at Chinese Christian Church & Center. Over 40 organizations attended, and provided a diverse array of information on: housing, finance, health, legal assistance, and much more.
Unlike previous years, PCDC introduced a ‘passport’ to encourage attendees to visit different organization tables and participate in workshops and
activities. After attendees visited a table, workshop, activity, or completed a cleaning survey they would receive a sticker which could be redeemed for a raffle ticket. Raffle prizes were donated by organizations that participated in the EXPO.
PCDC and Community Legal Services of Philadelphia held workshops on medical insurance, housing, worker rights, and tenant rights, respectively. Activities included recycle bin distribution, a fire truck presentation by the Philadelphia Fire Department – House of Dragons, dental checkups from Penn Dental Medicine, health screenings from Drexel Family Medicine, and physical therapy treatments from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine’s Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association.
This year’s EXPO marks the largest turnout for the event, and this feat was only achievable through the help of over 50 volunteers, many from the
Philadelphia Suns. Volunteers were responsible for setting up and breaking down the event, as well as providing language assistance and activity
For such a great success, PCDC wants to thank Chinese Christian Church & Center, PASSI, all the vendors, prize donors, attendees, and volunteers for participating in this event!
Centennial Lending Group 貸款集團
Children’s Village 兒童村
Chan Insurance Services, LLC 陳小姐保險服務公司
Cigna Health Insurance; CIGNA健康保險
Citizens Bank 公民銀行
City of Philadelphia: Vision Zero 費城 – 視覺零
City of Philadelphia: Streets Department Sanitation Division 費城市街道處
Class of America 美國課
Coffee Cup Senior Center 咖啡杯長者服務中心
Community Legal Services of Philadelphia 費城社區法律服務
Drexel Family Medicine ; DREXEL家庭醫學
Elwyn SEEDS Parent Partners; Elwyn SEEDS家長合作中心
Hahnemann University Hospital Primary Care 華埠康利民保健中心
Health Partners Plans of Philadelphia 費城健康夥伴計劃
Independence Library/Free Library of Philadelphia 獨立圖書館
Keystone VIP Choice 選擇
Liberty Community Connections 社區連接
Liberty Resources Home Choices 自由資源家庭選擇
Parke Bank 派克銀行
PECO 費城電力公司
Penn Asian Senior Services 賓州亞裔長者服務中心
Penn Dental Medicine Penn牙科醫學
Philadelphia Department of Health 費城衛生署
Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation 費城華埠發展會 (PCDC)
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine: Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association 費城骨科醫學院
Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations費城人際關係委員會
Philadelphia Fire Department’s House of Dragons 費城消防局 (華埠)
Philadelphia Corporation for Aging 費城耆老協會
Philadelphia Legal Assistance (PLA) The Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) 費城法律援助
Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee 費城更美麗委員會
Santander Bank 桑坦德銀行
Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Association Coalition (SEAMAAC )
SeniorLAW Center 法律中心
Victims/Witness Services of South Philadelphia 費城南部受害人/證人服務
Vitacare Home Health Care Agency; Vitacare家庭保健機構
Voorhees Care Rehabilitation Center; Voorhees護理康復中心
Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians 歡迎新賓夕法尼亞州中心
Wendy Phung Allstate Agency; WENDY PHUNG Allstate保險公司
World Financial Group 世界金融集團
Year Up: Greater Philadelphia 費城 YearUP