PCDC Lights Up the Lantern Festival

On the evening of May 8, 2017, PCDC Executive Director, John Chin, joined Historic Philadelphia CEO Amy Needle, Councilman Mark Squilla, and the young winners of the lantern design contest to light up the Chinese Lantern Festival at Franklin Square for the summer.
This year’s festival features 1,500 individual lanterns in 29 displays. Guests can also enjoy authentic cultural performances, artwork, and food. Lantern festival tickets will also net you dining deals at participating Chinatown sponsor restaurants. For more information, visit: http://historicphiladelphia.org/chineselanternfestival/must-see/
Thanks to a partnership with Historic Philadelphia, discount tickets are available at PCDC’s office: $14 per adult ticket, $10 per child ticket, while supplies last. PCDC is just a few blocks away from the festival. Our office is open from Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
A portion of all tickets purchased from PCDC will go toward PCDC’s projects and programs to ensure Philadelphia Chinatown remains a family-friendly residential and business community.
We are excited about the return of this cultural showcase and hope you enjoy the show!