Child Tax Credit (CTC)
Child Tax Credit: Claim up to $3,600!
As long as you have a child at home, GET YOUR Extra MONEY
- Age
- New born – 6 years old: Received $3000 credit.
- 6 years old – 17 years old: Received $3600 credit.
- Earned Income
- Single earned under $150,000.
- Married (filling joining) under $112,500.
Dependents | Age under 6 | Age under 17 |
1 | $3000. | $3600. |
2 | $6000. | $7200. |
3 | $9000. | $10,800. |
Frequently Asked Questions
- When is the deadline to sign up for Child Tax Credit payments?
The deadline to sign up for monthly Child Tax Credit payments this year was November 15. If you are eligible for the Child Tax Credit but did not sign up for monthly payments by the November 15 deadline, you can still claim the full credit of up to $3,600 per child by filing your taxes next year.
- Are undocumented parents eligible?
A parent’s immigration status is irrelevant. If their children have a U.S. Social Security Number, the parent is eligible under the new law to receive the CTC for those children, but they must have or obtain an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) first. Contact Ceiba for help obtaining an ITIN at or (215) 634-7245
- Can I get direct deposit or do they mail a check?
When you file your return with the IRS, you will be able to supply them with your bank account information to receive direct deposit. If you would rather get a check, you can specify that, and the IRS will mail it to you. You may also be able to get your payment put on a pre-paid debit card.
- I’m a grandparent raising my grandkids. Am I eligible?
Yes, if your grandchild(ren) lived with you for more than half of 2021, and no other parent/guardian can claim them on their tax returns, you are likely eligible to receive the CTC.
- What if I didn’t file taxes last year or the year before? I haven’t filed taxes in a while. How can I receive this benefit?
You may be eligible for Child Tax Credit payments even if you have not filed taxes recently. Not everyone is required to file taxes. While the deadline to sign up for monthly Child Tax Credit payments this year was November 15, you can still claim the full credit of up to $3,600 per child by filing a tax return next year.
- Will this affect other benefits I receive?
No. Receiving Child Tax Credit payments is not considered income for any family. Therefore, it will not change the amount you receive in other Federal benefits. These Federal benefits include unemployment insurance, Medicaid, SNAP, SSI, SSDI, TANF, WIC, Section 8, or Public Housing.
子女税优惠: 最高补助$3600
- 家中有小孩
- 年龄
- 新生儿 – 6岁:可最高申请$3000.税收补助
- 6岁 – 17 岁:可最高申请$3600.税收补助
- 家庭收入
- 父母联名收入小于$150,000.
- 单亲家庭收入小于$112,500.
申请的子女 | 6岁以下 | 17岁以下 |
1 | $3000. | $3600. |
2 | $6000. | $7200. |
3 | $9000. | $10,800. |
- 什么时候报名?
- 父母没有身份的孩子能否申请?
可以。父母的移民状态并不影响,只要孩子有社保号码。但是,父母需要先获得个人纳税身份号码。可联络 or (215) 634-7245
- 我能每月获得多少抵税金额?
- 收款方式
直接存入银行账号,您每月15号会收到来自CHILDCTC 的预付金额。或国税局以支票形式邮寄到您提供的地址。
- 申请子女税收优惠会否影响我其他政府福利?
不会。子女税收优惠不属于家庭收入。因此,它不会影响您的其他福利。例如,失业保险,医疗补助,粮食券,公屋住房,残障福利(SSI),残障儿童福利(SSDI),家庭暂援计划(TANF), 孕妇婴儿小孩营养计划(WIC)等等。
- 我没有报税一段时间了,我改如何获得这福利?
- 祖父祖母养小孩, 老人家能获得这福利吗?
如需要额外辅助,也可拨打华皁发展会热线 215-922-6156。或者前往费城鼎华中心二楼,1001 万安街(Crane Center 1001 Vine St, 2nd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107)。我们的营业时间是周一至周五早上九点至下午五点半。