Our mission is to preserve, protect, and promote Chinatown as a viable ethnic, residential, and business community.
Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation (PCDC) is a grassroots, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Established in 1966, PCDC is the only institution in Chinatown that addresses the needs of urban renewal and affordable housing development. With our bilingual capacity, we are advocates for the 37,000 Chinese Americans in Philadelphia. PCDC provides a comprehensive approach to meet the need for cultural and economic development of the Chinatown commercial corridor.
Our bilingual (English and Chinese) services serve over 3,000 clients per year. Our language-accessible programs and resources help clients overcome language and cultural barriers to affordable housing, social services, economic revitalization, and neighborhood planning.
Programs and Services
To meet the needs of a low-income immigrant community, PCDC offers a comprehensive array of programs and projects that fall into five main categories: Neighborhood Planning, Community Organizing and Advocacy, the Chinatown Homeownership Initiative, Economic Revitalization, and Family and Youth Services.
Affordable Housing & Development
Since 1966, PCDC has developed 481 units of market-rate and mixed-use affordable housing including Mei Wah Yuen, Wing Wah Yuen, Gim San Plaza, On Lok House, Hing Wah Yuen, Sing Wah Yuen, Francis House of Peace Ping’An House, and N 12th Family Homes.
Housing Counseling
Our HUD-certified housing counseling program provides free housing counseling service to low to moderate income families. Service includes but not limited to:
- Renters, homeowners, homebuyers one-on-one counseling and education
- Navigating housing and non-housing resources
- Assessing needs and financial situation,
- Developing goals, budget and action plan,
- Reviewing credit reports
- Assisting in applying for assistance programs.
Youth Services
Our youth services offer a Teen Club, with year-round academic after school OST program founded in 2008. PCDC offers free SAT classes, recreation, college and college trips, and career prep. Recreational activities take place at Crane Community Center (1001 Vine St.)
Family Support Services
Our family services help low-income families access better healthcare, housing, and wellness. The program includes our annual PCDC Expo, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), Chinatown Community Food Distribution events, and the Chinese Immigrant Family Wellness Initiative (CIFWI).
Neighborhood Planning & Advocacy
Our neighborhood planning and advocacy program aims to improve access to affordable housing, public space, and connectivity in Chinatown. PCDC leads community planning processes, implements the Chinatown Neighborhood Plan, and advocates for equitable development that benefits local residents and businesses.
Small Business Assistance
Our main street program provides support to Chinatown’s 400+ businesses through economic revitalization and development. Support includes:
- PCDC’s $1-a-Day street cleaning program,
- Promotional events including YeShi Night market
- Technical assistance
- Free marketing and resources through our “Ai Love Chinatown” campaign