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Housing Counseling
Our Homebuyer Program consist of one-on-one counseling session and Homebuyer Education Workshop. After the completion of both counseling session and education workshop, you will receive a Homeownership Eduction Certificate. Our Homebuyer Workshop covers key topics for Budgeting, Credit, Saving, Benefits and responsibilities of being a homeowner, Fair Housing & Predatory Lending. Classes are offer monthly on the 3rd Thursday of the month. We offer both online and in-person options, and in Chinese or English.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides support to a nationwide network of Housing Counseling Agencies (HCA) and counselors. HUD’s Housing Counseling program provides counsling to consumers on seeking, financing, maintaing, renting, or owning a home. The program also addresses homelessness through counseling and assists homeowners in need of foreclosure assistance. Counseling is provided by HUD-approved housing and counseling agencies.
(美国住房和城市发展部 (HUD) 为全国范围内的住房咨询机构 (HCA) 和顾问网络提供支持。住房和城市发展部的住房咨询计划为消费者提供有关寻找、融资、维护、租赁或拥有住房方面的咨询。该计划还通过咨询解决无家可归者的问题,并为需要取消抵押品赎回权援助的房主提供帮助。咨询由住房和城市发展部批准的住房和咨询机构提供.)
For schedule and sign up, visit: https://bit.ly/PCDC-HBESignUp or click the button above
(有关日程安排和报名信息,请访问:https://bit.ly/PCDC-HBESignUp 或点击上面的按钮)
Our one-on-one counseling session consists:
To schedule one-on-one counseling, you must first submit the following documents:
evaluating mortgagor readiness; (评估抵押人的准备情况)
fair housing and lending; (公平住房和贷款)
credit report analysis; (信用报告分析)
budgeting for mortgage payments; (为按揭付款编制预算)
improving money management skills; (提高理财技能)
selecting a real estate agent and home inspection; (选择房地产经纪人和房屋检)
how to apply for special programs available to potential homebuyers; (如何申请为潜在购房者提供的特别计划)
how to identify and avoid predatory lending practices; (如何识别和避免掠夺性贷款行为)
locating resources for downpayment and closing cost assistance. (寻找首付和过户费用补助资源)
Signed Authorization, Disclosure, & Privacy Statement Form; (已签名的授权、披露和隐私声明表)
Photo ID; (带照片的身份证件)
Social Security Card; (社会保障卡)
Pay stubs for the past 30 days ; (过去 30 天的工资单)
Resource Corner
Resource for Homebuyers
$15000 NeighborhoodLIFT downpayment assistance
Other homebuyer grants/credit offered by bank/lenders, nonprofits, and government agencies.
Resource for Homeowners
Resource for Renters
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