Chinatown PlayZa

KABOOM! Chinatown PlayZa Project

PCDC is partnering with TinyWPA and mural artist Chenlin Cai to transform 10th Street Plaza into a safe and fun play space for children in Chinatown. The project will include an interactive ground mural and playful seating area. The design features Chinatown’s local history and culture, and the bilingual game prompts will encourage caregiver-child interaction, literacy learning, and speaking and listening communication skills. The project is supported by KABOOM!’s Play Everywhere award, which is funded by the William Penn Foundation.

PCDC 與 TinyWPA 和壁畫藝術家蔡陳林合作,將十街廣場改造成面向華埠兒童的安全有趣的玩樂空間。 該項目將包括互動地面壁畫和有趣的座位區。 設計以華埠的當地歷史和文化為特色,雙語遊戲提示將鼓勵家長與孩子的互動、識字學習以及口語和聽力溝通技巧。 該項目得到了 KABOOM! 的 Play Everywhere 獎項支持,該獎項由 William Penn 基金會資助。

Chinatown PlayZa Conceptual Design

Survey – April, 2021

調研 – 2021年4月

A community survey was conducted to learn about community member’s vision for the 10th Street Plaza. The survey shows that the Chinatown community finds the 10th Street Plaza unsafe and noisy. Few of the respondents regularly stop by the plaza although they’d love to meet friends, have lunch, and simply relax at this space. More seating, decorations and community events are recommended to make this space more welcoming.

爲了瞭解社區對十街廣場的願景,PCDC進行了社區調研。調研發現, 華埠社區認為十街廣場不安全且嘈雜。儘管受訪者很想在廣場上與朋友見面、吃午飯、或放鬆一下,但是很少有受訪者經常光顧廣場。 社區希望在廣場上增加座位和裝飾,並多舉辦社區活動,使這個空間更受歡迎。

Survey Page

Workshop – March to May, 2021

工作坊 – 2021年3月至5月

PCDC, the mural artist Chenlin Cai, and the designer Alex Gilliam from TinyWPA held three online and one in-person workshops for students from Chinatown Learning Center, Children’s Village, and FACTS Charter School. These workshops introduced the project’s design concepts to children in the neighborhood and helped the designers to incorporate design elements that are important to them.

PCDC、 壁畫藝術家蔡陳林和來自 TinyWPA 的設計師Alex Gilliam為華埠學習中心、兒童村、民藝特許學校的學生們舉辦了三場綫上與一場綫下的工作坊。這些工作坊向社區的孩子們介紹了項目的設計理念,並幫助設計師們融入對孩子們來說重要的設計元素。

In-person Workshop – Building Activity
綫下工作坊 – 建造活動
In-person Workshop – Draw Chinatown Icons
綫下工作坊 – 畫出華埠圖標
In-person Workshop – Identify Spatial Preferences
綫下工作坊 – 確認空間喜好

Mural Day – September 26th, 2021

壁畫日 – 2021年9月26日

After nine months of community engagement and design, PCDC’s Chinatown PlayZa project entered the installation phase. The mural design by artist Chenlin Cai features a map of Chinatown that tells the history and stories of the neighborhood, building upon Cai’s Koi Pond mural created in 2019 at the Plaza.

On September 26th, 2021, PCDC and Chenlin Cai hosted a Mural Day for community members to paint this ground mural at the 10th Street Plaza. Around 100 people from diverse backgrounds and age groups participated in this event.

經過九個月的社區參與和設計,PCDC的華埠樂園項目終於進入安裝階段。在2019 年完成的的錦鯉池壁畫的基礎上,藝術家蔡陳林的新壁畫設計以華埠地圖為中心,講述了社區的歷史和故事。


Mural Day – Preparation
壁畫日 – 準備工作
Mural Day – Painting
壁畫日 – 繪畫過程

Building Day – October 24th, November 6th, 2021

建造日 – 2021年10月24日、11月6日

TinyWPA designed six modular lily pad-shaped structures that form a playable seating area at the Plaza. PCDC and TinyWPA hosted two Building Days for the community members to build the “lily pads” together.

TinyWPA設計了六個荷葉形狀的結構,它們可以在廣場上組成一個可玩樂的座位區。 PCDC和TinyWPA共同舉辦了兩場建造日,和社區成員一起把“荷葉”建造完成。

Building Day – Painting the Panel
建造日 – 為木板上色
Building Day – Assembling the Plane
建造日 – 組裝木板
Building Day – Painting lily pad-shaped structures
建造日 – 為荷葉模塊上色
Building Day – Finished Product
建造日 – 建造完成

Opening Ceremony – December 8, 2021

開幕式 – 2021年12月8日

Work hard, play even harder! The Chinatown PlayZa is now officially open for play!


Chinatown Learning Center students explore the new play space.

The Chinatown PlayZa is special, because it is a play space designed with community feedback from children in Chinatown, most of whom lack a nearby public space to play. This 10th Street Plaza is on the path for hundreds of children in Chinatown every day, and we wanted to activate the space for them. We started this project with three goals in mind:

  1. To create a welcoming, safe, and fun play place for children in Chinatown.
  2. To share the history and stories of Chinatown with the next generation.
  3. To encourage intergenerational play and interaction.


  1. 在華埠為孩子們創造一個溫馨、安全和有趣的遊樂場所。
  2. 與下一代分享華埠的歷史和故事 。
  3. 鼓勵代際遊戲和互動。
Kids test out the new play elements including giant lily pads, scooters, and mini ramps.

We know the intergenerational language barrier can be a challenge for many immigrant families, and we hope to use good design, shared neighborhood history and bilingual game prompts to overcome that barrier and create a space that encourages intergenerational bonding.


From left: Chenlin Cai (Artist), Yue Wu (PCDC Project Manager), Alex Gilliam(Co-Founder of Tiny WPA), John Chin (PCDC Executive Director)
左起:蔡陳林(藝術家)、Yue Wu(PCDC 項目經理)、Alex Gilliam(Tiny WPA 聯合創始人)、John Chin(PCCDC 執行董事)

We are grateful for our partnerships with Tiny WPA and artist Chenlin Cai. Thank you to the Chinatown Learning Center, FACTS Charter School and Children’s Village for their help to set up workshops, where we brainstormed with the students about what they want the space to look like.

Special thanks to Carol Wong, Lihang Lin, and Sindia Guerrero, who provided generous support for the project and many helpful feedbacks to our design.

我們感謝與Tiny WPA和藝術家蔡陳林的合作。感謝華埠學習中心、民藝特許學校和兒童村幫助建立工作坊,在那裡我們與學生一起集思廣益,討論他們想要的空間是什麼樣子。

特別感謝Carol Wong、Lihang Lin和Sindia Guerrero,他們為項目提供了慷慨的支持,並為我們的設計提供了許多有用的反饋。

This project would not have been possible without the support of KABOOM! ‘s Play Everywhere Award, funded by the William Penn Foundation, and was vital to making our shared vision a reality. Thank you!

這個項目的實現離不開由William Penn基金會資助的KABOOM! 的Play Everywhere獎項的支持,這個獎項對與實現我們的共同願景至關重要。感謝!

Media Coverage 媒體報導

Interactive ground mural creates safe space for kids to play in Chinatown – 6abc Philadelphia

A ‘renewed’ mural in Philly’s Chinatown encourages more play (