December Teen Events and Opportunities:

December Teen Events and Opportunities:


* SAT Classes will not be in session the weeks of December 18 to January 12th. If you have any questions about college essays and applications, feel free to send an email to Ailin Cao at

* There is no practice SAT in December. The practice SAT will resume in January.

* Happy holidays! Enjoy your vacations.


Discover Philadelphia Commerce Department STEM

Do you know if there is a free STEM youth program where you live? You can find out by looking at the STEMcityPHL map, developed by the City of Philadelphia Commerce Department. Whether you want to learn how to code, to start a business, learn physics, or maintain an urban farm, there are hundreds of free and low-cost programs across the city waiting for you.

There are also volunteer opportunities for STEM professionals interested in making a difference.


Teen Club Field Trip: Terracotta Warriors at the Franklin Institute
Thanks to a generous donation from the Franklin Institute, the Teen Club will visit the Terracotta Warriors exhibit and other museum attractions on Saturday, December 9th from 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM. This trip is free of charge. Preference will be given to Teen Club SAT students based on attendance.

Space is limited. Complete a permission slip and return to or in person at 301-05 N 9th Street.

Permission Slip:


The Purpose Challenge: $25,000 Scholarship
The Purpose Challenge sponsored by the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California Berkeley offers a chance at six scholarships. High school seniors can enter by submitting a college-admissions essay based on the prompts provided.

Deadline February 1, 2018 at 11:59 PST

Find out more/ submit here:


Weekly Teen Club Schedule:
All classes and materials are free of charge. Walk-ins welcome!

SAT Reading & Writing
Mondays 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm,
901 Wood Street
Teacher: Phoebe Ho 

SAT Math
Tuesdays 4 pm – 6 pm,
901 Wood Street
Teacher: Clara Zhang

Questions? Contact Ailin Cao, Teen Club
coordinator:, 215-922-2156